70. Jahrestag Befreiung des KZ Flossenbürg



Survivor’s testimony: https://soundcloud.com/andrea-avogaro-2/testimonianza-sopravvissuti

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The day of the commemoration with the survivors


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Il viaggio a Flossenburg è stata un’esperienza che ha portato a innumerevoli riflessioni ed ha suscitato diverse emozioni. I due nuclei fondamentali sono stati la parte di relazione e interazione con altre nazionalità e la parte di confronto  sulle memorie storiche del campo di concentramento e del nazional socialismo. I due aspetti, che si sono spesso incontrati, hanno suscitato in noi, almeno inizialmente, timore, la paura di mettersi in gioco era evidente e sicuramente amplificata dal fatto che eravamo chiamata a farlo in una lingua straniera. Nonostante ciò già la prima sera dopo la breve presentazione che ogni gruppo ha fatto della propria nazione abbiamo iniziato a conoscere le diverse culture e situazioni nazionali (il gruppo dall’Ucraina per esempio ci ha parlato della guerra che purtroppo lo afflige), aiutati probabilmente dal leggero caos che ci dava l’impressione di non essere ascoltati da insegnati o da altri se non dal nostro nuovo  interlocutore. Con il passare dei giorni abbiamo preso confidenza con gli altri ragazzi con i quali abbiamo poi passato, al di là delle attività organizzate durante le giornate,  le serate ,chiacchierando e giocando, con la coscienza che nonostante diversi livelli di conoscenza delle lingue eravamo tutti li per fare un esperienza che valeva la pena di essere vissuta rischiando e provando noi stessi nelle diverse situazioni. La parte storica è quella che ci ha più scossi in quanto ci siamo resi conto che probabilmente ci sfugge, perché non valorizzato nella maniera corretta, il nostro ruolo nazionale nelle grandi guerre  come promotori del nazional socialismo e alleati a Hitler .Il grande riconoscimento che va alla Germania è quello di uno stato che attraverso le commemorazioni e queste meravigliose iniziative tiene vive le memorie e attraverso queste gli errori commessi  perché non si ripetano .Risulta difficile, infatti, se non impossibile , comprendere gli stati d’animo e ciò che i deportati hanno vissuto e la distruzione causata dalle idee in cui migliaia di persone hanno creduto fermamente per noi oggi inconcepibili, ci chiediamo quindi ,cosa possiamo fare noi per questo? Trasmettere, tramandare i ricordi ,ciò che è accaduto perché non avvenga nuovamente e per fare questo dobbiamo prendere esempio dalla Germania in quanto stato consapevole che ha trovato la chiave per rendere ciò che è stato, importante nell’attualità. Infine è stata per noi commovente la testimonianza dei reduci Italiani che sono venuti a Flossenburg  per la celebrazione del memoriale. Sentirli parlare delle atrocità subite e della dura realtà che hanno affrontato nella giovinezza ci ha commossi , avevano perso completamente la loro dignità di uomini ed erano arrivati a lottare per la sopravvivenza ad agire in maniera istintiva. Nonostante questo però ci ha colpiti la forza di volontà con la quale hanno portato avanti i loro ideali (uno di loro era partigiano) e la voglia di vivere la loro ancora giovane vita che gli ha dato la speranza e la forza di non smettere di lottare e rischiare per un piatto di brodaglia calda in più, piuttosto che per un calzino .Pensiamo quindi che sia importante ricordare la determinazione e la voglia di vivere che hanno avuto e che a noi giovani a volte manca nonostante viviamo in agi e comodità che invece di favorirle sembrano affievolirle.

Verona, 14 Maggio 2015, Melania Compri 4B

Some considerations on the Programm

When our teacher told us about this experience we were surprised and excited, even a little bit scared because it looked too hard to face.

When we met the “Team”, in the Hostel Tannenlohe, we liked it immediately, it was very nice and happy and the accommodation was very clear and comfortable.

In the evening of the first day we got to know new people but also new countries, new cultures and new foods. It was incredible and exciting to see young people that talk each other about their life and home country.

During the activity we shared different ideas and thought about national socialism and we had learnt the importance to remember the past and to hand down memories.

When we met the survivors we were speechless because they lead a very difficult life. We try to put ourselves in their shoes but it wasn’t easy . Be young now is very different from be young in the past. We reflected on the concept of “liberty”. What is the real meaning of freedom? Can we consider us free today? Or are we slave about our technology or others hobbies?

After each meeting where we shared ideas or stories, our ideas focused on those speeches. We collected a lot of information. The landscape of Germany helped us in our meditation. The green of the grass, the warm sun and, for some days, the fresh air, helped us to relax and to meditate. Then we share our ideas with the others guys.

On the day of commemoration it was amazing to see a lot of people from different countries gathering in this place. We could listen to different languages and during the reading we kept meditating on the past and the horrifying events!

We also spent fun evening all together and we hope to have the opportunity to see us again in the future.

We would like to thank the Memorial for this opportunity, the Team and all the people who made this event and amazing experience! We’ll remember it in all our life and we hope that others generations will take part at this meeting and they’ll keep the past alive.

Verona 20 maggio 2015 Vittoria Andreoli


Flossenbürg 2016


When we were asked to go to the International Youth Meeting in the Flossemburg Concentration Camp Memorial by our teacher, all of us were delighted and maybe a little nervous at the same time.
What made us nervous was probably the main topic of the project, but we couldn’t refuse: the historical memory of the concentration camp is a part of our story that can not be forgotten and we were given the opportunity to be witnesses of the last survivours of the Flossemburg work camp.
We left Verona at 9:00 o’clock A.M on 12th of April and we arrived at the Youth Hostel in Germany at 6.00 P.m after a long but peaceful travel by train and by bus.
In there we met Julie, Amy, Mathias and Tomer, who were three of our group leaders, and than people of eight different countries who shared this path with us: Poland, France, Cezch Repubblic, Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel and Germany.
When we discovered that our roommates were all foreigners, we were not so pleased because we were scared to not be able to find a meeting point, but in the end it was better in this way.
In the evening we played some games in order to know each other. It was fantastic to be able to know all these people, their language, their traditons, their habits and their food.
During the next days we went to Flossenbürg Concentration Camp. We have learnt that it had been established by the SS leadership as a source of forced prisoners labour in the nearby granite quarries.
Always in there, we had the possibility to apprehend the real meaning of the work camp through activities organized by Franziska Schleupner, another teamer, such as role plays and brain storming.
They were useful to know the different point of view of everyone and to meditate over the cruelty of the humanity, even if it is hard to think that humans can be so inhuman toward each other.
On Saturday we took part at the meeting with the eywitnesses and had the biggest opportunity of our life: to listen to  the personal life story of Venanzio Gibillini, one of the italian survivors.
Listening him talking about the atrocity in the camp left us speechless and with a hole in our heart. The question in our mind was: how is it possibile to be so merciless? Heartless? We understood that there was not an answer.
On Sunday it took place the day of commemoration on the ground of the former concentration camp where we were touched by the story of a kind woman that told us about his father who she had never known because he died in the concentration camp before her birth.
In the evening of the same and last day we danced all together with our foreigners friends and we had fun and laughed a lot over nothing.
We left the Youth Hostel during the next morning to come back in Verona with a soul-ache. This experience will be unforgivable in our hearts and we would like to thanks every person that had organized this amazing project. It is necessary to not forget what happened in the past, and it’s our duty as witnesses to keep alive the memory of our survivors in order to prevent that something like will not happen again.

Martina Ferrari, 5B – Maggio 2016